“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

When a baby is born, so is a mother​​
Your baby's birth-day is also yours: a rebirth, as you transition from maiden to newborn mother. It's a seismic shift - physically, mentally and emotionally.
With over 25 years' experience supporting women and their families, you can be confident that I have the knowledge, the skills and the tools to help you manage this change with ease. ​​​
I'm Helen Wright, Founder of BirthWright.
Over the past 25 years I've had the privilege of supporting thousands of families. Having dedicated the first 16 years of my working life to teaching and leading early years' settings and primary schools across Kent and East London, I took a career break in 2016 to become a mother.
I knew that my life would be different; I never imagined to what extent...​
My experience of pregnancy, birth and postpartum completely reshaped me! A fire ignited inside me, fuelled by a passion to help educate and support expectant and new families to have the best birth and postnatal experience possible, for them.
As my own baby slept, snuggled up close in our stretchy wrap, I began studying and retraining. When my maternity leave came to an end, I resigned from teaching and BirthWright was born.
Since then, this vision has expanded in the most beautiful and magical ways. BirthWright's offerings now include: Birth Preparation Classes, Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Relaxation Workshops, Birth and Traditional Postpartum Support, Placenta Remedies, Womb Reiki, Anxiety Coaching, Family Meet-ups, Mothers' Sharing Circles and more...